Photographs of Real Audi Quattros

Here are some photographs of real Audi Quattros taken at a Rally Action Day at Castle Combe, on and off the track.

This real Audi Quattro is the same colour and has the same stickers etc as the Scalextric Audi Quattro. However it has a shorter wheel base than the Scalextric slot car has (to scale).

Front Front and side Side Rear and side
Rear and side Rear and side, on track Front and side, on track Ready to leave

This Audi Quattro is really a road going car that has been painted to like the famous Audi Quattro rally car.

Front Front and side Side Rear and side
Front Front and side Side Rear and side

This is a real rally Audi Quattro.

Side Front and side Front Rear and side
Rear Side, on track Rear and side, on track Through chicane

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